Giving at Hope

Since God is the owner and giver of all that we have, we are called to be faithful managers or stewards of our time, talents, and resources as the Holy Spirit directs. Giving is an essential part of our spiritual walk, and it helps propel the ministry at Hope forward! We are so thankful for your generosity and faithfulness in giving!

There are many ways to give at Hope.

We accept cash and check in-person during our worship services.

The most cost-effective and potentially best way to give is to set-up automatic “bill-pay” through online banking. Each major bank and credit union uses this, and it’s relatively easy to use and comes at no cost to you or the church. You can often set-up recurring automatic payments through this method as well.

For those that choose to not use the preferred automatic bill-pay option, we are now pleased to offer online giving through a service called makes it easy to set-up one-time gifts, or recurring giving. The best way to enable giving through this service is to set it up as a bank withdrawal (ACH). While does give the option to give through debit/credit card, we would advise against this option as it comes at a considerably higher fee, and as for credit card, we do not believe it good stewardship to give in this way. The fees for using this service are as follows: for ACH 0.9% + $0.30. For Visa/MC/Discover: 2.65% + $0.30. For AMEX: 3.5% + $0.30. As you can see, the fees are substantially lower for ACH. does also give you as the giver the option to cover the fees. This would make your donation a tad higher, but it would allow the total amount the church receives to be the amount you initially desired. 

If you have any questions or desire any help, we would be happy to assist!